What is the Cheapest Way to Build a Sunroom?

As the air begins to turn cooler, and the nights close in, Fall is right around the corner which means that winter won’t be far away. 

As stunning a season as winter can be, as a result of the cold and often wet or even icy weather, it does mean that we don’t get to spend as much time outdoors enjoying our gardens and some fresh air in general. This is where a sunroom proves to be such an essential piece of home improvement. 

Sunrooms provide a warm and dry part of the home to enjoy the sun’s rays and views outside. They can transform any living space by flooding it with natural light and giving you and your nearest and dearest another space in the home to relax. 

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding sunrooms, however, is that they are very expensive and therefore out of people’s price ranges. That isn’t necessarily the case. There are plenty of ways of building a stunning sunroom and keeping costs down, you just need to know how. 

But what is the cheapest way to build a sunroom? Here are some handy tips. 

Build Upon an Existing Space

A great way to construct a sunroom and help keep costs low is to construct it upon an existing space. 

Rather than having new foundations and framework laid, try to build upon an existing space instead. If for example, you already have foundations laid or a deck, this will save you money on land preparation fees, labor, and materials. 

As well as this, if you are building upon a space that’s either connected to your house, or in close proximity, you’ll find that it should be easier to access things like electrical wiring, plumping, and HVAC systems. Again, this could save a considerable amount of money. 

Keep it Simple

Another useful tip for anybody looking to construct a sunroom on a budget is to keep the layout nice and simple. 

Yes, in an ideal world we’d all go with sunrooms featuring lavish designs with all kinds of twists, turns, and contours that even the world’s finest architects would gasp in awe at. Unfortunately to achieve such a design you would need to part with a considerable amount of money. 

A great way to save more than a few bucks, however, is to scale back your sunroom design inspirations and instead go for a simple open layout instead. 

Rather than unique layouts and expensive materials, stick with a standard box-type layout and basic wood, glass, UPVC, and other cheap materials such as aluminum and vinyl. If used correctly, these materials can really enhance the aesthetics of a sunroom, despite costing considerably less than more expensive alternatives. 

Invest in Energy Efficiency

When trying to keep sunroom construction costs low, a lot of people make the mistake of choosing inferior, poorly designed windows, doors, and materials. Remember, there is a difference between cheap, and poor design, and that’s where people often slip up. 

Purchasing cheap single-glazed windows for example, may seem like a great way to save money, but in reality by the winter you’ll realize why it was such a mistake. Sunrooms can get extremely cold in the winter, and if you’ve gone with single-glazed windows and flimsy doors that offer little insulation and let in the cold, your energy bills are going to sky-rocket. 

Not only will you be spending more money on heating the sunroom so you can sit in there, you’ll also be losing existing heat from your home, so it’ll cost you more to heat your home as well. 

Insulating the walls and going with energy-efficient glass for your doors, windows, and skylights may seem like an expense, but in terms of long-term usage you’ll save a fortune in energy. 

Use Local or Recycled Materials

Recycled materials such as reclaimed wood or even broken down pallets, are a great way of sourcing materials for building your sunroom for less. 

Recycled materials can give a sunroom more of a rustic vibe and can really enhance the overall aesthetic if you choose the right ones. 

Another tip for keeping your costs down is to use local materials whenever possible. Not only will you be supporting local businesses, but you will also save a fair amount on delivery as the materials will obviously have less distance to travel. Better yet, if you have the transportation and means, go ahead and collect the materials yourself as the only expense (other than your time) will be fuel getting there and back. 

Go for a Three-Season Sunroom Instead

Sunrooms are generally classed as ‘all season’ and ‘three season’. An all season sunroom is designed to be enjoyed all year long, including in the winter. It’s typically constructed to be well-insulated so that you stay nice and warm when inside. 

A three season sunroom, however, is designed slightly differently. It is designed to be used for three out of the four seasons of the year (Spring, Summer, and Fall). It is not usually suitable for winter as it isn’t as well insulated and will likely be too cold. 

Because a four season sunroom is constructed sturdier and is typically connected to your home’s HVAC system and electricity supply, plus it is made from energy efficient, well-insulated materials, it is almost always more expensive. 

Three season sunrooms are not designed as complex, or to offer as much insulation so they are almost always more affordable. 

Just to give a rough idea, four season sunrooms can typically cost between $80K – $100K on average. On the flipside, a three season sunroom will likely cost anything from $10K up to around $40K. As you can see, that’s quite the difference. 

Use a Reputable Company

Finally, as far as what is the cheapest way to build a sunroom, our final top tip is to use a reputable construction company. 

Building a sunroom is a big project, and in terms of cost we’re not talking a few hundred bucks here, we’re talking tens of thousands of dollars. Because of this, you need to ensure that the job is done right. 

Find a reliable and reputable company to carry out any works, as this will save you money in the long haul. It’s worth spending a little more and ensuring the work is done correctly the first time. A reputable company will also be able to offer you a warranty so you can rest easy in the knowledge that, should things go wrong, they’ll be put right and you won’t need to pay anything else. 

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