Cost of Sunroom Addition

With summer now in full swing for many of us, it’s important to take time to relax in the garden, unwind, and enjoy the weather before the nights begin rolling in and temperatures take a tumble. That’s all well and good, but as the seasons change it’s no longer an option, not until better weather at least. This is where a sunroom proves so fantastic. 

Sunrooms are rooms attached to your home that are usually predominantly made from glass, including the ceiling in some designs. They offer fantastic views outside and allow you to sit and enjoy the warm sunshine in the comfort of your own home. You can usually access them from inside your home and from out in the garden. As they’re made mainly from glass, they get warm in the sunshine and offer amazing views in the process. 

Installing a sunroom to your home, however, is not a quick fix. It’s a job that requires a planning, preparation, funding, and work. If you have decided to install one, the following tips will prove very handy. 

Decide on the Location

If you decide to go ahead and install a sunroom to your property, one of the first things you’re going to have to consider is where it’s going to go. 

The idea of a sunroom is, as the name implies, to help you enjoy the sunshine. Needless to say, in order to do so, you’re going to have to make sure it’s installed somewhere where it gets a lot of sunshine. 

It’s important to consider when the room will get the most use. If you plan on enjoying it in the evening as the sun begins to set, you’ll want your sunroom installed so that the sun shines on it as it sets. 

Whether you decide me have the room installed on the front of your home, the sides, or in the backyard, you’ll want to ensure that it’s installed somewhere practical and accessible. 

Set a Budget

When it comes to the cost of a sunroom addition, you’re going to want to make sure that you have the funds needed to pay for your new addition to your property. 

Sunrooms are not cheap, you need to pay for the materials and then of course there’s the labor to consider as well. Before you commit to having a sunroom installed, go ahead and do some research to find out how much to budget for. 

While prices vary greatly in terms of the cost of a sunroom addition, you can expect to pay roughly $150 – $300 per square foot. That is a very rough estimate and it does not cover the labor costs either. 

Decide on Access and Practicality

Another important consideration when installing a new sunroom to your property is access and practicality. 

Just because a certain part of your property may be a suntrap, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be suitable for installing a sunroom. You need to think about access to the sunroom, access to your home, and access to your garden. 

Before you install a sunroom, have a professional surveyor come out and take a look to ensure the room can go where you want it. If not, they will be able to offer an alternative. 

Determine the Size

When installing a sunroom to your property another very important consideration is the size. 

We can’t tell you what size to go with because we have no idea how big your property is. Are you looking for a large sunroom for the whole family to enjoy? If so, you’re going to want a large sunroom. Or are you looking for a snug little hideaway for you to relax in at the weekend and in the evening. If so, a smaller sunroom will be perfect. 

Before you commit to a sunroom, just make sure you’re going with one that’s the perfect size. 

Go with a Design that Compliments Your Home

Sunrooms are extensions of your property, they aren’t just rooms that you stick on to the side of your home to get a bit of extra sun. You want them to blend in and actually enhance the look and feel of your home. 

When deciding on a sunroom, look for materials and designs that are going to make your home look better. Ideally, you want a sunroom that blends in and looks natural and aesthetic. You don’t want one that stands out like a sore thumb.

Three Season or Year Round?

Sunrooms, as the name implies, are rooms that are designed to help you enjoy the sunshine in. As they are typically made from glass, as the sun’s rays hit them, they can get warm, especially in the summer. In winter, however, things are different. 

Sunrooms are often categorized as three season, or year round. Three season sunrooms are designed to be enjoyed in spring, summer, and fall. They are not insulated well enough to be used in the winter as they can get very cold. Year round sunrooms, however, offer better insulation and heating options and are warm enough to be used in winter. 

If you want to use your sunroom in the winter, make sure you opt for a year round design. This will offer better insulation and more comfort. Essentially, it will feel more like an extra room in your home, rather than an extension. 

Have the Sunroom Fitted Professionally

Unless you are qualified and experienced enough to do so, you should always have sunrooms and other large renovation projects on your home carried out by professionals. 

By fitting the room yourself, if you aren’t experienced or qualified to do so you may find that you run the risk of making errors, the construction may not be sturdy enough, plus it could be dangerous. 

While using professionals may increase the cost of sunroom addition to your home, you know you’re getting a professional service, the work will be carried out to a very high standard, the construction will be safe and sturdy, plus they’ll likely offer warranties and guarantees if there are any issues. 

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