What Causes Leaks in a Chimney?

stucco-chimney-repair-1-300x169-1It is essential for the homeowners to know if the chimney in their house is in a good working order and condition.  If neglected and not looked after, the chimney can develop issues like leaking. Excess moisture is not good for the chimney or the home. Thus, it is very essential to get the chimney inspected on a regular basis and what is causing a leak in the chimney.  After all, those leaks in chimney could lead to moisture problems, and it can be expensive for a chimney repair. Moreover, moisture within the house is bad for your health. If the moisture gets to the walls of the building, it can seriously damage the finish of the walls such as the paint, plaster or paneling. Another risk is the mold that thrives on moisture. Thus, pay close attention to the chimney and take action right away if you find any leaks and call in chimney professionals.

 The reason behind a chimney leak

If you find water running down the flue or the brickwork inside the house or attic, it points to the leaks in the chimney. There are some potential culprits that can lead to chimney leak. There are numerous possible causes behind the leaks and here are some of the most common:

  • Weakening Mortar – mortar that holds the cement masonry together is about two decades. Thus, if the chimney is too old, the mortar will start deteriorating and will allow the moisture to pour into the chimney structure. The saturated masonry can freeze and thaw in winter, and the chimney can collapse if it does not replace. Get new mortar for the chimney if it is too old or getting decayed.
  • Improper Flashing – This is the metal component of the chimney that waterproofs the roof and the chimney. However, it can leak if it has not been correctly installed and can rust and develop leaks. It is essential to inspect the flashing regularly as it is less durable than other components of the chimney. Flashing leaks can cause a lot of damage.
  • A missing Chimney Cap – While chimney cap is an accessory, it plays a very important role as it prevents rain from getting inside the chimney and cause moisture problems. Thus, get a proper Chimney Cap installed and repair it if it is broken or damaged in any place. Contact preventivesupport.com for Boca Raton chimney repair.
  • No “Cricket” – Sometimes, a chimney is positioned in such a way that water impacts the tip of the roof on the side of the chimney and cause the water to get inside the chimney. Thus, it is essential to have a “cricket” in the back of the chimney, which is like a small “roof” structure that can prevent the water to flow toward the chimney.
  • Cracks in the Crown – The top of the chimney is known as the crown and is a cement surface. Sometimes it weakens with time and develops cracks, and thus it needs to be replaced or repaired. When the crown develops cracks, water can get between the chimney and the flue lining and cause damage to ceilings and walls.

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