How Often Should Chimney Vents Be Checked

chimney-checkIt is observed that most homeowners often neglect chimney inspections and tend to believe that they do not need to clean it often as they do not use their fireplace enough or because they have a gas fireplace. It is not until that they come face to face with a problem because of a weakening chimney system that they think about the cleanliness issue and if the chimney vents need to be checked. For your information, inspecting the chimney on a regular issue not only keeps the system working to its optimum but often saves one from expensive rears.

The chimney vents keep collecting soot, blockages, and dirt over time as well as built-up creosote. It is essential to keep an eye on the smoke chamber, firebox, damper and the chimney liner to be sure of safer operation and cleaner chimney vents.  Only a small buildup of creosote and blockages is enough to set a chimney on fire as Creosote is highly flammable. The chimney vents can get blocked faster because of poor burning practices or stove that is not working well. The kind of wood one burns also impacts the Creosote buildup, for example, pine wood can cause a rapid build-up of creosote and lower the efficiency of the fireplace.

In order to make sure that the chimney vents are clean, and all systems are in working order, the homeowners should go for an annual chimney inspection. This is very important if one uses the chimney on a regular basis. It is essential to clean the venting systems that are connected to stoves and furnaces on a daily basis. Family’s safety is important here, and therefore, one should not neglect regular cleaning and inspection of the chimney.

Check Chimney Vents

As a simple rule, one should clean the chimney vents after about fifty uses. However, they can look for signs that tell that the chimney vents need to be cleaned. For example, if there is a downdraft from the chimney, it indicates the presence of creosote. Creosote builds faster on exterior chimneys as compared to the interior chimneys because of cooler temperatures outside.

Accordion to National Fire Protection Association Standard, the fireplaces and chimney vents need to be inspected at least once a year. It is essential to clean, maintain and repair the chimney and its vents. This is the right way to approach the problem. Even if one does not use their chimney frequently, there are chances of rodents, birds, and other small animals to nest inside the chimney. Alternatively, there might be some other types of deterioration, which could make it unsafe to use the chimney.

Any kind of blockage and deposit lowers the efficacy of chimney and shortens its life. There are certain standards and minimum requirements that should be followed by every homeowner.  Keep the chimney vents free of any creosote deposits and other obstructions. Do not wait any longer if you have not had your chimney inspected for the past one year. If you delay, you may have to face property loss or additional expensive chimney repair and roof repair.

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